EOSC 220 · Introductory Mineralogy

Introduction to crystallography, physical and chemical properties of minerals. Recognition and identification of common minerals.

Course Availability & Schedule

Course Syllabus

Course Webpage

Learning goals: 

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

a. Use atomic structure and crystallography to identify and explain the properties and groupings of common rock-forming minerals.

b. Explain correlations between relevant chemical concepts (e.g., substitution, solid solution) and the parts of chemical formulas that control the properties and classification of the major mineral classes on Earth.

c. Observe, describe, and measure properties of hand specimens to confidently identify minerals and to place them in groups.

d. Evaluate the diversity with geologic time of minerals on Earth, and on other terrestrial planetary bodies, through the concept of “mineral evolution”.

e. Develop interpersonal and practical skills useful in future careers by working in groups to evaluate problems and to make decisions.

f. Apply mineralogy concepts to broader geological, materials science, analytical, environmental, biological, and economic topics.

Note: although not required pre-requisites for this course, it is highly recommended that students taking EOSC 220 Mineralogy have EOSC 110 The Solid Earth: A Dynamic Planet or EOSC 210: Earth Science for Engineers as a pre- or co-requisite.


James Scoates

Course Content

Students currently enrolled in the course can access content on the course CANVAS website by using their Campus Wide Login (CWL). Access will be available on the first day of class and the first set of lecture slides will be available starting at the end of the first class.  Note that the updated 2020 syllabus will be available in August sometime.

Lecture Topics & Times

See Course Webpage on UBC Canvas for related info.  Lectures are Tuesday and Thursday from 1:00-1:50 pm and will be online through Zoom in Canvas in the Sept-Dec 2020 term – looking forward to seeing you all online.


See Course Webpage on UBC Canvas for related info. Please note that there are no labs in the first week of class – labs begin in Week 2. Our "lab room" for the Sept-Dec 2020 term will be online through Zoom in Canvas.  Labs will be done in real time during the 3-hour time slot with group exercises guided by our experienced and exceptional TAs.