
Degree Specializations at EOAS

  The Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences offers the most diverse choice of degree specializations of any science department at UBC. 


Earth Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences are important and fascinating, interdisciplinary subjects with wide-ranging career and research opportunities. More details and alumni profiles can be found via our “Why EOAS?” page.

Contacts and Advisors

Current or prospective students will find contact information for advice about degree program specializations in our Advice & Support” section, as well as additional information about how to find support from Department, Faculty and UBC people and organizations.

Prospective students

Our students are science-oriented, learning to draw upon multiple disciplines to address today’s urgent social and environmental challenges. They thrive in both solo and team-based working settings, and enjoy a balance of classroom, laboratory, home and field learning.

The range of options is broad and any aspiring science student will be able to find an inspiring role within the Earth, Ocean or Atmospheric Sciences where they can make satisfying and important contributions to society. BSc Majors and BSc Honors degrees can be pursued in seven different specializations. Or a Combined Majors or Combined Honors degree can be pursued by combining two of these or one of these and another subject at UBC.

How can you determine which specialization is for you? Explore this table to match your interests with one (or more!) of the seven EOAS degree specializations.

You can apply to one of the specializations offered in EOAS using guidelines provided by the Faculty of Science. Here are some further pointers.

  1. UBC’s first year requirements must be completed before applying to Science Specializations: see the Second Year Science Specialization Application Requirements for details.
  2. Are you completing one or more required first-year courses in the summer? You may apply to the department directly after completion of the course(s). However, UBC Science students with second-year standing or above must be in a specialization (e.g., a Major) before registering in courses. Therefore, select a different specialization that you qualify for in June, then apply to the department after completing the requirements at the end of summer session (August).
  3. Are you currently in another faculty of UBC? Please first consult the Faculty of Science Science Information Centre to determine the possibility of transferring to Science.
  4. You may also apply to the department if:
    1. you are transferring to UBC Science in year 2 or 3 but not eligible to take part in the online application process, or
    2. you are currently a UBC Science student in year 2 or 3 with a different specialization but you are interested in switching over to one of our specializations.
  5. Apply by contacting the Undergraduate Program Coordinator via email at and include your student number in your email.