"EOAS recognizes the existence of a climate crisis, which demands coordinated and determined global action. In the face of overwhelming scientific evidence, society must urgently take steps to avoid the worst potential outcomes of anthropogenic climate change. EOAS is committed to bringing our research, teaching, operations and public outreach fully in line with this recognition and in solidarity with the UBC Declaration on the Climate Emergency.”   

-Philippe Tortell, EOAS Department Head

  Climate emergency committee mandate


  1.  Design a 1- and 5-year strategic plan for an EOAS Climate Emergency Response that fully aligns department research, teaching, operations and public outreach with the recognition of a climate emergency
  2.  Provide support to existing or proposed EOAS initiatives that are relevant to the EOAS Climate Emergency Response
  3. Undertake our own initiatives that enhance the capacity, engagement, and effectiveness of the EOAS Climate Emergency Response
  4. Act as a liaison/representative of EOAS in initiatives related to the larger UBC Climate Emergency Response 
  5. Unite, promote, and leverage the set of diverse departmental activities and relationships that collectively constitute the EOAS climate emergency response


Izett_01_18-Aug_0.jpgCurrent Initiative Highlights

These initiatives grew from the first EOAS climate dialogue event. We organize our initiatives under four main topics: 

1. Research, Teaching and Learning 

  • develop new course material 
    • update current course material 
    • develop datasets and exercises relevant to the climate emergency 
    • support web-based applications for visualizing climate model data 
    • support development of quantitative climate physics courses under QuEST 
    • support development of climate credential/minor 

2. Policy and Civic Engagement 

  • design and launch EOAS climate emergency response webpage 
  • conduct a census of climate emergency-relevant researchers in EOAS 
  • highlight climate emergency-relevant researchers on webpage

3. Sustainable Industry Partnerships 

  • conduct a census of researchers in the department with industry, government and community partnerships 

4. Departmental Operations 

  • research carbon offset programs and practices for implementation in the EOAS community 

For a full list of all active initiatives as well as proposed initatives in our 5-year plan, see the EOAS Climate Action Plan.


We are always looking for more volunteers to help our efforts! Please contact to get involved or learn more about our work.