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Garcia MO, Weis D, Jicha BR, Ito G,.  2016.  Petrology and geochronology of lavas from Ka 'ula Volcano: Implications for rejuvenated volcanism of the Hawaiian mantle plume. … et Cosmochimica Acta.
Garcia M, Ito G, Weis D, Geist D,.  2008.  Widespread Secondary Volcanism Near Northern Hawaiian Islands. Eos, Transactions ….
Garcia MO, Swinnard L, Wise S, Greene AR, Tagami T, Sano H, Gandy CE.  2010.  Petrology, geochemistry and geochronology of Kaua ‘i lavas over 4· 5 Myr: Implications for the origin of rejuvenated volcanism and the evolution of the Hawaiian plume. Journal of Petrology. :egq027.
Garcia MO, Smith JR, Tree JP,.  2015.  Petrology, geochemistry, and ages of lavas from Northwest Hawaiian Ridge volcanoes. Geological ….
Garcia MO, Hanano D, Flinders A, Wise S, Ito G, Kurz MD.  2012.  Age, geology, geophysics, and geochemistry of Mahukona Volcano, Hawaii. Bulletin of volcanology. 74:1445–1463.
Garcia MO, Smith JR, Taylor B, Flinders A, Jicha B,.  2013.  Low-relief shield volcano origin for the South Kaua 'i Swell.
Garcia M, Ito G, Wise S, Geist D, Swinnard L, Bianco T, Flinders A, Taylor B, Appelgate B, Blay C et al..  2008.  Widespread Secondary Volcanism Near Northern Hawaiian Islands. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 89:542–543.
Garcia MO, Swinnard L, Weis D, Greene AR,.  2010.  Petrology, geochemistry and geochronology of Kaua 'i lavas over 4· 5 Myr: Implications for the origin of rejuvenated volcanism and the evolution of the Hawaiian …. Journal of ….
Garcia MO, Wise S, Jicha BR, Ito G, Hanano D.  2016.  Petrology and geochronology of lavas from Ka ‘ula Volcano: Implications for rejuvenated volcanism of the Hawaiian mantle plume. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 185:278–301.
Garcia MO, Wise S, Swinnard L, Ito G, Pietruszka AJ.  2015.  Petrology and Geochemistry of Volcanic Rocks from the South Kauai Swell Volcano, Hawaii: Implications for the Lithology and Composition of the Hawaiian Mantle Plume. Journal of Petrology. 56:1173–1197.
Garcia MO, Wise S, Swinnard L, Greene AR, Tagami T, Sano H, Gandy C.  2009.  Geochemistry and geochronology of Kauai lavas: Evolution of the Hawaiian plume over 4.5 Ma and origin of rejuvenated volcanism. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 1:04.
Garcia MO, Weis D, Swinnard L, Ito G,.  2015.  Petrology and Geochemistry of Volcanic Rocks from the South Kauai Swell Volcano, Hawaii: Implications for the Lithology and Composition of the Hawaiian Mantle …. Journal of ….
Garcia MO, Hanano D, Flinders A, Weis D, Ito G,.  2012.  Age, geology, geophysics, and geochemistry of Mahukona Volcano, Hawaii. Bulletin of ….
Gautier I, Weis D, Mennessier JP, Vidal P,.  1990.  Petrology and geochemistry of the Kerguelen Archipelago basalts (South Indian Ocean): evolution of the mantle sources from ridge to intraplate position. Earth and Planetary ….
Gautier I, Wise S, Mennessier J-P, Vidal P, Giret A, Loubet M.  1990.  Petrology and geochemistry of the Kerguelen Archipelago basalts (South Indian Ocean): evolution of the mantle sources from ridge to intraplate position. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 100:59–76.
Geist D, Garcia M, Ito G, Harpp K, Wise S.  2008.  Evolution of the Hawaiian Mantle Plume: Shield and Rejuvenescent Magmatism at Middle Bank, the Youngest Sunken Hawaiian Volcano. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 1:2194.
Gerard F, Tinsley M, Mayer K.U.  2004.  Preferential flow revealed by hydrologic modeling based on predicted hydraulic properties. SOIL SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA JOURNAL. 68:1526-1538.
Gerard F., Mayer K.U, Hodson M.J, Ranger J..  2008.  Modelling the biogeochemical cycle of silicon in soils: Application to a temperate forest ecosystem. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. 72:741-758.
Ghadermarzy N, Mansour H, Yilmaz O.  2014.  Non-convex compressed sensing using partial support information. Journal of Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing. 13:249-270.
Gherardi J.-M, Luo Y., Francois R., McManus J.F, Allen S.E, Labeyrie L..  2010.  Reply to comment by S. Peacock on ``Glacial-interglacial circulation changes inferred from Pa-231/Th-230 sedimentary record in the North Atlantic region''. PALEOCEANOGRAPHY. 25
Giordano D, Russell JK, Dingwell DB.  2008.  Viscosity of magmatic liquids: a model. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 271:123–134.
Giret A, Weis D, Zhou X, Cottin JY, Tourpin S.  2003.  Les îles Crozet.
Giret A, Wise S, Grégoire M, Mattielli N, Moine B, Michon G, Scoates J, Tourpin S, Delpech G, Gerbe M-C et al..  2003.  L'archipel des Kerguelen: les plus vieilles iles dans le plus jeune ocean. GEOLOGUES-PARIS-. :23–39.
Giret A, Wise S, Zhou X, Cottin J-Y, Tourpin S.  2003.  Les {\^ıles Crozet.
