
Found 1409 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Yang J-W, Han Y, Orsi A\"ısJ, Kim S-J, Han H, Ryu Y, Jang Y, Moon J, Choi T, Hur SDo et al..  2018.  Surface temperature in twentieth century at the Styx Glacier, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica, from borehole thermometry. Geophysical Research Letters. 45:9834–9842.
Yang J-W, Han Y, Orsi AJ, Kim S-J, Han H, Ryu Y, Jang Y, Moon J, Choi T, Hur SDo et al..  2018.  Surface temperature in twentieth century at the Styx Glacier, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica, from borehole thermometry. Geophysical Research Letters. 45:9834–9842.
Konecny C, Fladmark VR, De la Puente S.  2018.  Towards cleaner shores: Assessing the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup's most recent data on volunteer engagement and litter removal along the coast of British Columbia, Canada. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 135:411–417.
Goursaud S, Masson-Delmotte V, Favier V, Orsi A\"ıs, Werner M.  2018.  Water stable isotope spatio-temporal variability in Antarctica in 1960–2013: observations and simulations from the ECHAM5-wiso atmospheric general circulation model. Climate of the Past. 14:923–946.
Goursaud S, Masson-Delmotte V, Favier V, Orsi AJ, Werner M.  2018.  Water stable isotope spatio-temporal variability in Antarctica in 1960–2013: observations and simulations from the ECHAM5-wiso atmospheric general circulation model. Climate of the Past. 14:923–946.
Herrmann FJ, Jones C, Gorman G, Hückelheim J, Lensink K, Kelly PHJ, Kukreja N, Modzelewski H, Lange M, Louboutin M et al..  2019.  Accelerating ideation & innovation cheaply in the Cloud the power of abstraction, collaboration & reproducibility. 4th EAGE Workshop on High-performance Computing.
Klein F, Abram NJ, Curran MAJ, Goosse H, Goursaud S, Masson-Delmotte V, Moy A, Neukom R, Orsi A\"ıs, Sjolte J et al..  2019.  Assessing the robustness of Antarctic temperature reconstructions over the past 2 millennia using pseudoproxy and data assimilation experiments. Climate of the Past. 15:661–684.
Klein F, Abram NJ, Curran MAJ, Goosse H, Goursaud S, Masson-Delmotte V, Moy A, Neukom R, Orsi AJ, Sjolte J et al..  2019.  Assessing the robustness of Antarctic temperature reconstructions over the past 2 millennia using pseudoproxy and data assimilation experiments. Climate of the Past. 15:661–684.
Bréant C, Santos CLeroy Dos, Agosta C, Casado M, Fourré E, Goursaud S, Masson-Delmotte V, Favier V, Cattani O, Prie F et al..  2019.  Coastal water vapor isotopic composition driven by katabatic wind variability in summer at Dumont d'Urville, coastal East Antarctica. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 514:37–47.
Bréant C, Santos CLeroy Dos, Agosta C, Casado M, Fourré E, Goursaud S, Masson-Delmotte V, Favier V, Cattani O, Orsi AJ et al..  2019.  Coastal water vapor isotopic composition driven by katabatic wind variability in summer at Dumont d'Urville, coastal East Antarctica. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 514:37–47.
Hobbs TE, Newman AV, Protti M.  2019.  Enigmatic upper-plate sliver transport paused by megathrust earthquake and afterslip. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 520:87–93.
Agosta C, Amory C, Kittel C, Orsi A, Favier V, Gallée H, van den Broeke MR, Lenaerts J, van Wessem JMelchior, van de Berg WJan et al..  2019.  Estimation of the Antarctic surface mass balance using the regional climate model MAR (1979-2015) and identification of dominant processes. The Cryosphere. 13:281–296.
Agosta C, Amory C, Kittel C, Orsi AJ, Favier V, Gallée H, van den Broeke MR, Lenaerts J, van Wessem JMelchior, van de Berg WJan et al..  2019.  Estimation of the Antarctic surface mass balance using the regional climate model MAR (1979-2015) and identification of dominant processes. The Cryosphere. 13:281–296.
Witte PA, Louboutin M, Modzelewski H, Jones C, Selvage J, Herrmann FJ.  2019.  Event-driven workflows for large-scale seismic imaging in the cloud. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts. :3984-3988.
Yeung LY, Murray LT, Martinerie P, Witrant E, Hu H, Banerjee A, Orsi A\"ıs, Chappellaz J.  2019.  Isotopic constraint on the twentieth-century increase in tropospheric ozone. Nature. 570:224–227.
Yeung LY, Murray LT, Martinerie P, Witrant E, Hu H, Banerjee A, Orsi AJ, Chappellaz J.  2019.  Isotopic constraint on the twentieth-century increase in tropospheric ozone. Nature. 570:224–227.
Skierszkan EK, Mayer K.U., Weis D., Robertson J., Beckie R.D.  2019.  Molybdenum stable isotope fractionation during the precipitation of powellite (CaMoO4) and wulfenite (PbMoO4). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 244:383–402.
Skierszkan EK, Robertson J, Lindsay MBJ, Stockwell JS, Dockrey JW, Das S, Weis D, Beckie RDaniel, K. Mayer U.  2019.  Tracing molybdenum attenuation in mining environments using molybdenum stable isotopes. Environmental Science {&} Technology.
Bréant C, Landais A, Orsi A, Martinerie P, Extier T, Prie F, Stenni B, Jouzel J, Masson-Delmotte V, Leuenberger M.  2019.  Unveiling the anatomy of Termination 3 using water and air isotopes in the Dome C ice core, East Antarctica. Quaternary Science Reviews. 211:156–165.
Bréant C, Landais A, Orsi AJ, Martinerie P, Extier T, Prie F, Stenni B, Jouzel J, Masson-Delmotte V, Leuenberger M.  2019.  Unveiling the anatomy of Termination 3 using water and air isotopes in the Dome C ice core, East Antarctica. Quaternary Science Reviews. 211:156–165.
Merrill R., Bostock M.G, Peacock S.M, Calvert A.J, Christensen N.I.  2020.  A Double Difference Tomography Study of the Washington Forearc: Does Siletzia Control Crustal Seismicity? Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 125:e2020JB019750.
Witte PA, Louboutin M, Modzelewski H, Jones C, Selvage J, Herrmann FJ.  2020.  An Event-Driven Approach to Serverless Seismic Imaging in the Cloud. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 31:2032-2049.
Hodge KF, Jellinek A.M.  2020.  The Influence of Magma Mixing on the Composition of Andesite Magmas and Silicic Eruption Style. Geophysical Research Letters. 47
Frey FA, Coffin MF, Wallace PJ, Antretter MJ, ARNDT NICHOLAST, Barling J, Boehm F, Borre MKirstine, Coxall HK, Damuth JE et al..  Submitted.  CD-ROM: ISSN 1096-2514.
Frey FA, Coffin MF, Wallace PJ, Antretter MJ, Arndt NT,.  Submitted.  CD-ROM: ISSN 1096-2514.
