
Found 1409 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
S. Sengoer S, Mayer K.U, Greskowiak J, Wanner C, Su D, Prommer H.  2015.  A reactive transport benchmark on modeling biogenic uraninite re-oxidation by Fe(III)-(hydr)oxides. COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES. 19:569-583.
Steefel CI, Yabusaki SB, Mayer K.U.  2015.  Reactive transport benchmarks for subsurface environmental simulation. COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES. 19:439-443.
Steefel C.I, Appelo C.AJ, Arora B., Jacques D., Kalbacher T., Kolditz O., Lagneau V., Lichtner P.C, Mayer K.U, Meeussen J.CL et al..  2015.  Reactive transport codes for subsurface environmental simulation. COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES. 19:445-478.
Masson-Delmotte V., Steen-Larsen H.C, Ortega P., Swingedouw D., Popp T., Vinther B.M, Oerter H., Sveinbjornsdottir A.E, Gudlaugsdottir H., Box J.E et al..  2015.  Recent changes in north-west Greenland climate documented by NEEM shallow ice core data and simulations, and implications for past-temperature reconstructions. The Cryosphere. 9:1481–1504.
Masson-Delmotte V., Steen-Larsen H.C, Ortega P., Swingedouw D., Popp T., Vinther B.M, Oerter H., Sveinbjornsdottir A.E, Gudlaugsdottir H., Box J.E et al..  2015.  Recent changes in north-west Greenland climate documented by NEEM shallow ice core data and simulations, and implications for past-temperature reconstructions. The Cryosphere. 9:1481–1504.
Hobbs TE, Cassidy JF, Dosso SE.  2015.  Rupture process of the 2012 M w 7.8 Haida Gwaii earthquake from an empirical Green’s function method. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 105:1219–1230.
Kumar R, Wason H, Herrmann FJ.  2015.  Source separation for simultaneous towed-streamer marine acquisition –- a compressed sensing approach. Geophysics. 80:WD73-WD88.
Jabaloy-Sanchez A, Azdimousa A, Booth-Rea G, Asebriy L, Vazquez-Vilchez M, Martinez-Martinez JMiguel, Gabites J.  2015.  The structure of the Temsamane fold-and-thrust stack (eastern Rif, Morocco): Evolution of a transpressional orogenic wedge. TECTONOPHYSICS. 663:150-176.
Mantelli E., Camporeale C., Ridolfi L..  2015.  Supraglacial channel inception: Modeling and processes. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH. 51:7044-7063.
Schudel G, Lai V, Gordon K, Weis D.  2015.  Trace element characterization of USGS reference materials by HR-ICP-MS and Q-ICP-MS. Chemical Geology. 410:223-236.
Schudel G, Lai V, Gordon K, Weis D.  2015.  Trace element characterization of USGS reference materials by HR-ICP-MS and Q-ICP-MS. Chemical Geology.
Skierszkan E.K, Mayer K.U, Beckie R.D, Weis D..  2015.  Tracking the Fate of Metals in Mining Waste Rock Using M etal Stable {Isotopes. 10th {International} {Conference} on {Acid} {Rock} {Drainage} ({ICARD}). :10.
Sutherland BJG, Poley JD, Igboeli OO, Jantzen JR, Fast MD, Koop BF, Jones SRM.  2015.  Transcriptomic responses to emamectin benzoate in Pacific and Atlantic Canada salmon lice \emphLepeophtheirus salmonis with differing levels of drug resistance.. Evolutionary Applications. 8:133–148.
Cutts JA, McNicoll VJ, Zagorevski A, Anderson RG, Martin K.  2015.  U-Pb geochronology of the Hazelton Group in the McTagg anticlinorium, Iskut River area, northwestern British Columbia.. Geological Fieldwork. :87–101.
Doyle JM, Gleeson T, Manning AH, Mayer K.U.  2015.  Using noble gas tracers to constrain a groundwater flow model with recharge elevations: A novel approach for mountainous terrain. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH. 51:8094-8113.
Ryan AG, Russell JK, Hess K-U, Phillion AB, Dingwell DB.  2015.  Vesiculation in rhyolite at low H2O contents: A thermodynamic model. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 16:4292–4310.
Unglert K., Jellinek A.M.  2015.  Volcanic tremor and frequency gliding during dike intrusions at Kilauea-A tale of three eruptions. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH. 120:1142-1158.
van Leeuwen T, Herrmann FJ.  2014.  3D} frequency-domain seismic inversion with controlled sloppiness. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 36:S192-S217.
Dockrey JW, Lindsay MBJ, Mayer K.U, Beckie R, Norlund KLI, Warren LA, Southam G.  2014.  Acidic Microenvironments in Waste Rock Characterized by Neutral Drainage: Bacteria-Mineral Interactions at Sulfide Surfaces. MINERALS. 4:170-190.
Dockrey JW, Lindsay MBJ, K. Mayer U, Beckie RD, Norlund KLI, Warren LA, Southam G.  2014.  Acidic Microenvironments in Waste Rock Characterized by Neutral Drainage: Bacteria–Mineral Interactions at Sulfide {Surfaces. Minerals. 4:170–190.
Desbarats A.J, Koenig C.EM, Pal T., Mukherjee P.K, Beckie R.D.  2014.  Arsenic Mobilization from Source Sediments in an Aquifer System of West Bengal, {India. AGU} {Fall} {Meeting} {Abstracts. 1:04.
Simon JI, Wise S, DePaolo DJ, Renne PR, Mundil R, Schmitt AK.  2014.  Assimilation of preexisting Pleistocene intrusions at Long Valley by periodic magma recharge accelerates rhyolite generation: rethinking the remelting model. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 167:1–34.
Simon JI, Weis D, DePaolo DJ, Renne PR,.  2014.  Assimilation of preexisting Pleistocene intrusions at Long Valley by periodic magma recharge accelerates rhyolite generation: rethinking the remelting model. … to Mineralogy and ….
Halverson MJ.  2014.  Atmospheric and tidal forcing of the exchange between Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans. 65:86-106.
Jones KL, Lindsay MBJ, Kipfer R, Mayer K.U.  2014.  Atmospheric noble gases as tracers of biogenic gas dynamics in a shallow unconfined aquifer. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. 128:144-157.
