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Lewis A.G, Allen S.E, Martens G.  2006.  Rapid swimming and the median intersomitic ridge in calanoid copepods. CRUSTACEANA. 79:501-511.
Peterson H., Beckie R.D., Harrison B., Mayer K.U, Smith J.L..  2012.  Rapid Seasonal Transition from Neutral to Acidic Drainage in a Waste Rock Test Pile at the Antamina Mine, {Peru. Proceedings of the 9th {International} {Conference} on {Acid} {Rock} {Drainage} ({ICARD}), {Ottawa}, {Ontario}, {Canada}..
Marske JP, Pietruszka AJ, Wise S, Garcia MO, J Rhodes M.  2007.  Rapid passage of a small-scale mantle heterogeneity through the melting regions of Kilauea and Mauna Loa Volcanoes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 259:34–50.
Pietruszka AJ, Marske JP, Wise S, Garcia MO, Rhodes JM.  2006.  Rapid Passage of a Small-Scale Mantle Heterogeneity Through the Melting Regions of Kilauea and Mauna Loa Volcanoes. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 1:04.
Marske JP, Pietruszka AJ, Weis D, Garcia MO,.  2007.  Rapid passage of a small-scale mantle heterogeneity through the melting regions of Kilauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes. Earth and Planetary ….
Herrmann FJ.  2010.  Randomized sampling and sparsity: getting more information from fewer samples. Geophysics. 75:WB173-WB187.
Mansour H, Wason H, Lin TTY, Herrmann FJ.  2012.  Randomized marine acquisition with compressive sampling matrices. Geophysical Prospecting. 60:648-662.
Andrews GDM, Porritt L, Russell JK, Dashtgard S, Ward B.  2014.  Quaternary subglacial and explosive volcanism in the Canadian Cascade arc (Sea-to-Sky corridor), British Columbia.
Andrews GDM, Porritt L, Russell JK.  2013.  Quaternary subglacial and explosive volcanism in the Canadian Cascade arc (Sea-to-Sky Corridor), British Columbia.
Pawlowicz R.  2003.  Quantitative visualization of geophysical flows using low-cost oblique digital time-lapse imaging. IEEE JOURNAL OF OCEANIC ENGINEERING. 28:699-710.
Blaskovich R, Klein B, Brienne S, K. Mayer U, Beckie RD, Aranda C, Haupt C.  2012.  Quantitative Mineralogy to Assess Waste Rock Weathering at the Antamina {Mine. Proceedings {Ninth} {International} {Conference} on {Acid} {Rock} {Drainage. :12.
Bain A.A, Jellinek A.M, Wiebe R.A.  2013.  Quantitative field constraints on the dynamics of silicic magma chamber rejuvenation and overturn. CONTRIBUTIONS TO MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY. 165:1275-1294.
Bauer KW, Zeebe RE, Wortmann UG.  2017.  Quantifying the volcanic emissions which triggered Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a and their effect on ocean acidification. Sedimentology. 64:204-214.
Verberne R, Hodge KF, Ulmer P, Muntener O.  2011.  Quantifying deformation in a magma reservoir-a rheology study of the Listino Ring Structure, Adamello Massif, N-Italy. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 1:2658.
Verberne R, Hodge KF, Ulmer P, Muntener O.  2011.  Quantifying deformation in a magma reservoir-a rheology study of the Listino Ring Structure, Adamello Massif, N-Italy. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 1:2658.
Russell JK, Edwards BR, Porritt L.  2013.  Pyroclastic passage zones in glaciovolcanic sequences. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 4
Russell JK, Edwards B.R, Porritt L,.  2012.  Pyroclastic passage zones.
van Straaten BI, Kopylova MG.  2013.  Pyroclastic kimberlite deposits from the Victor Northwest pipe (Ontario, Canada): the transition from phreatomagmatic to magmatic explosivity. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES. 50:1059–1068.
Nicolaysen K, Bowring S, Frey F, Wise S, Ingle S, Pringle MS, Coffin MF.  2001.  Provenance of proterozoic garnet-biotite gneiss recovered from Elan Bank, Kerguelen plateau, southern Indian Ocean. Geology. 29:235–238.
Nicolaysen K, Bowring S, Frey F, Weis D, Ingle S,.  2001.  Provenance of proterozoic garnet-biotite gneiss recovered from Elan Bank, Kerguelen plateau, southern Indian Ocean. ….
Wang C., Pawlowicz R.  2011.  Propagation speeds of strongly nonlinear near-surface internal waves in the Strait of Georgia. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS. 116
Mayer K.U, Benner SG, Blowes DW.  2006.  Process-based reactive transport modeling of a permeable reactive barrier for the treatment of mine drainage. JOURNAL OF CONTAMINANT HYDROLOGY. 85:195-211.
van den Berg E, Friedlander MP.  2008.  Probing the Pareto frontier for basis pursuit solutions. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 31:890-912.
Unglert K., Radic V., Jellinek A.M.  2016.  Principal component analysis vs. self-organizing maps combined with hierarchical clustering for pattern recognition in volcano seismic spectra. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH. 320:58-74.
Henriques F, Wise S, Scoates J.  2005.  Principal Component Analysis of Cenozoic Kerguelen plume basalts. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement. 69:A103.
