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Pavey SA, Sutherland BJG, Leong J, Robb A, von Schalburg K, Hamon TR, Koop BF, Nielsen JL.  2011.  Ecological transcriptomics of lake-type and riverine sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). BMC Ecology. 11:31.
Xu G, Frey FA, Clague DA, Wise S.  2003.  East Molokai Volcano, Hawaii: Petrogenesis of Shield-, Postshield-and Rejuvenated Stage Lavas. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 1:0994.
Xu G, Frey FA, Clague DA, Weis D,.  2005.  East Molokai and other Kea‐trend volcanoes: Magmatic processes and sources as they migrate away from the Hawaiian hot spot. Geochemistry, ….
Xu G, Frey FA, Clague DA, Wise S, Beeson MH.  2005.  East Molokai and other Kea-trend volcanoes: Magmatic processes and sources as they migrate away from the Hawaiian hot spot. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 6
Weis D.  2011.  East Molokai and other Kea-trend volcanoes: Magmatic processes and sources as they migrate away from the Hawaiian hot spot..
Hoeink T, Lenardic A, Jellinek A.M.  2013.  Earth's thermal evolution with multiple convection modes: A Monte-Carlo approach. PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS. 221:22-26.
Sahlmann C, Sutherland BJG, Kortner TM, Koop BF, Krogdahl A, Bakke AM.  2013.  Early response of gene expression in the distal intestine of Atlantic salmon (\emphSalmo salar L.) during the development of soybean meal induced enteritis. Fish {&} Shellfish Immunology. 34:599–609.
Sahlmann C, Sutherland BJG, Kortner TM, Koop BF, Krogdahl A, Bakke AM.  2013.  Early response of gene expression in the distal intestine of Atlantic salmon (\emphSalmo salar L.) during the development of soybean meal induced enteritis. Fish {&} Shellfish Immunology. 34:599–609.
Stegman DR, Jellinek A.M, Zatman SA,, Richards MA.  2003.  An early lunar core dynamo driven by thermochemical mantle convection. NATURE. 421:143-146.
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Allen S.E, Hickey B.M.  2010.  Dynamics of advection-driven upwelling over a shelf break submarine canyon. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS. 115
Hernlund JW, Jellinek A.M.  2010.  Dynamics and structure of a stirred partially molten ultralow-velocity zone. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS. 296:1-8.
Gonnermann HM, Manga M, Jellinek A.M.  2002.  Dynamics and longevity of an initially stratified mantle. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS. 29
McDougall S, Hungr O.  2005.  Dynamic modelling of entrainment in rapid landslides. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 42:1437-1448.
Wise S, Bassias Y, Gautier I, Mennessier J-P.  1989.  Dupal anomaly in existence 115 Ma ago: evidence from isotopic study of the Kerguelen Plateau (South Indian Ocean). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 53:2125–2131.
Weis D, Bassias Y, Gautier I, Mennessier JP.  1989.  Dupal anomaly in existence 115 Ma ago: evidence from isotopic study of the Kerguelen Plateau (South Indian Ocean). … et Cosmochimica Acta.
Scheifele B, Pawlowicz R, Sommer T, Wueest A.  2014.  Double Diffusion in Saline Powell Lake, British Columbia. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY. 44:2893-2908.
Scheifele B, Pawlowicz R, Sommer T, Wüest A.  2014.  Double Diffusion in Saline Powell Lake, British Columbia. Journal of Physical Oceanography. 44:2893–2908.
Scheifele B, Pawlowicz R, Sommer T, Wüest A.  2014.  Double Diffusion in Saline Powell Lake, British Columbia. Journal of Physical Oceanography. 44:2893–2908.
Merrill R., Bostock M.G, Peacock S.M, Calvert A.J, Christensen N.I.  2020.  A Double Difference Tomography Study of the Washington Forearc: Does Siletzia Control Crustal Seismicity? Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 125:e2020JB019750.
Turnbull M, Russell JK, Edwards B, Porritt L,.  2014.  Diverse passage zones at Kima’Kho volcano; records of englacial lake dynamics during a prolonged subglacial volcanic eruption.
Sutherland BJG, Hanson KC, Jantzen JR, Koop BF, Smith CT.  2014.  Divergent immunity and energetic programs in the gills of migratory and resident Oncorhynchus mykiss. Molecular Ecology. 23:1952–1964.
Halverson MJ, J. Ohlmann C, Johnson MA, W. Pegau S.  2013.  Disruption of a cyclonic eddy circulation by wind stress in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Cont. Shelf. Res.. 63, Supplement:S13-S25.
Friedlander MP, Saunders M.A.  2007.  Discussion: the Dantzig selector: statistical estimation when p is much larger than n. The Annals of Statistics. 35:2385-2391.
Barker AK, Coogan LA, Gillis KM, Hayman NW, Wise S.  2010.  Direct observation of a fossil high-temperature, fault-hosted, hydrothermal upflow zone in crust formed at the East Pacific Rise. Geology. 38:379–382.
