
Found 1409 results
Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
Conference Paper
Morisset C, Scoates JS, Wise S.  2006.  Trace Element and Hf Isotopic Compositions of Magmatic Rutile From Fe-Ti Oxide Ore Deposits Related to the Proterozoic Anorthosite Massifs. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 1:0644.
Simon JI, DePaolo DJ, Wise S, Renne PR, Mundil R.  2008.  The temporal evolution of Hf and Nd isotopes of rhyolites from the Long Valley Caldera System. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 1:2168.
Greene AR, Garcia MO, Wise S, Kuga M, Ito G, Robinson JE.  2009.  Submarine Tholeiitic Volcanism (ca. 3.6 to 4.9 Ma) West of Kaena Ridge, Hawaiian Islands: Implications of Low Magma Productivity in the Evolution of the Hawaiian Plume. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 1:07.
Grice W.C, Foster D., Kalakay T., Bleick H.A, Hodge K.F.  2004.  Style and Timing of Crustal Attenuation in the Anaconda Metamorphic Core Complex, Western Montana. 2004 Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs.
Grice W.C, Foster D., Kalakay T., Bleick H.A, Hodge K.F.  2004.  Style and Timing of Crustal Attenuation in the Anaconda Metamorphic Core Complex, Western Montana. 2004 Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs.
Beckie RD, Aranda C, Blackmore SR, Peterson HE, D. Hirsche T, Javadi M, Blaskovich R, Haupt C, Dockrey J, Conlan M et al..  2011.  A study of the mineralogical, hydrological and biogeochemical controls on drainage from waste rock at the Antamina Mine, Peru : an overview.
Hirsche DTrevor, Beckie R.D, Conlan MJW, Blackmore S, Smith J.L, Klein B., K. Mayer U, Aranda C.A, Bardón LARojas, Castañeda RJamanca.  2012.  Stacked field cells as a means for studying metal attenuation by waste rock mixing at the Antamina Mine in {Peru. Proceedings {Ninth} {International} {Conference} on {Acid} {Rock} {Drainage. :9.
Wise S, Scoates JS, Debaille V, Giret A.  2001.  St. Paul Island, Indian Ocean: Geochemical and Isotopic Constraints on the Formation of the Amsterdam-St. Paul Plateau on the Southeast Indian Ridge. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 1:09.
Wise S, Demaiffe D, KAMENSKY I, TOLSTIKHIN I.  1992.  Sr, Nd and noble gas isotopic systematics of carbonatites from Eastern Baltic shield. International geological congress.
Barker AK, Coogan LA, Gillis KM, Wise S.  2007.  Sr isotope constraints on extent and character of fluid flow in EPR crust. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. 71:A60–A60.
Singurindy O, Ugalde MELorca, Peterson H., Hirsche T, Javadi M., Blackmore S., Aranda C.A, Mayer K.U, Beckie R., Smith L.  2012.  Spatial and Temporal Variations of O2 and CO2 Pore Gas Concentrations in an Experimental Waste Rock Pile at the Antamina Mine, {Peru. Proceedings of the 9th {International} {Conference} on {Acid} {Rock} {Drainage.
Munzar S, Beckie RD.  2014.  Source, release mechanism and migration of aqueous phase arsenic in the Fraser River Delta, Vancouver, {BC. Geological {Society} of {America}, 2014 annual meeting & exposition. 46:688.
Auwera JVander, Ernst G, Wise S, Duchesne JClair.  2003.  Small mafic intrusions as indicators of downslope draining of dense residual liquids in anorthositic diapirs. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly. 1:3817.
Peirce JW, Weissel JK, Taylor E, DEHN J, Driscoll N, Farrell J, Fourtanier E, Frey FA, Gamson PD, Gee JS et al..  1989.  Site 757. Proc. ODP, Init. Repts. 121:305–358.
Hodge KF, Jellinek A.M.  2012.  A Simple Mechanical Recipe for Andesites. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 1:2886.
Greene A, Scoates JS, Wise S, Nixon GT.  2007.  Significance of Picritic and Tholeiitic Lavas Within Wrangellia Flood Basalts on Vancouver Island for the Melting History and Magmatic Evolution of a Major Oceanic Plateau. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 1:1153.
Pretorius W, Scoates J, Wise S, Mattielli N.  2005.  Siderophile element geochemistry od restitic and cumulate xenoliths from the Southeast Province of the Kerguelen Archipelago. Goldschmidt Conference 2005.
Pretorius W, Scoates J, Wise S, Mattielli N.  2004.  Siderophile and Chalcophile Element Geochemistry of Kerguelen Basic and Ultrabasic Xenoliths. AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts.
Nicolaysen K, Wise S, Scoates JS, Myers JD.  2002.  Sediment subduction and magma genesis in the central Aleutian arc. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. 66:A553–A553.
Pedretti D, Peterson H, Blackmore S, Javadi M, Ugalde MELorca, Laurenzi L, St Arnault M, Skierszkan E, K. Mayer U, Beckie RD.  2014.  Scaling the hydrological and geochemical processes that control drainage from waste-rock piles: an overview.. EGU} {General} {Assembly} {Conference} {Abstracts. 16:9996.
Gregoire M, Cottin J-Y, Mattielli N, Wise S, Shimizu N, Giret A.  1993.  Sapphirine bearing xenoliths of Kerguelen (Indian Ocean): Evidence for continental nucleation in oceanic within-plane setting. Terra abstracts.
Mattielli N, Wise S, Gregoire M, Cottin J-Y, Giret A.  1995.  Role of plume-ridge interactions in the formation of oceanic islands: Evidence from isotopic study of Kerguelen xenoliths. Terra Nostra.
Bertrand M, Preat A, Wise S, Racki G.  1997.  Role of microbial organisms in the formation of red matrices, Devonian, Montagne Noire. Microbial Mediation in Carbonate Diagenesis. :61.
Pedretti D, Beckie RD, K Mayer U.  Submitted.  Risk assessment of acidic drainage from waste rock piles using stochastic multicomponent reactive transport modeling.
Silva IGNobre, Wise S, Scoates JS.  2005.  Reproducibility of Pb isotopic compositions of ocean island basalts: From leaching to analysis. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
