An evaluation of patron perceptions of library space using the role repertory grid procedure

TitleAn evaluation of patron perceptions of library space using the role repertory grid procedure
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsPotthoff JK, Wise S, Montanelli DS, Murbach MM
Date PublishedMAY

The evaluation of library space for its effectiveness and efficiency in meeting patron needs is an important part of the process in planning library facilities. However, techniques for obtaining such information are not widely available in the library science literature. The Role Repertory Grid Procedure, a technique derived from personal construct theory in the behavioral sciences, was evaluated for its practicality and validity as a way of gathering patron perceptions about the effectiveness and efficiency of library space. The grid did provide useful information on patrons' perceptions of library space. However, although the Role Repertory Grid Procedure was found to be fairly easy to administer, questions about its validity and reliability remain to be answered. The authors believe that further work to simplify the analysis will be necessary before the grid can be widely used in evaluating library space.