Metal mobility during in situ chemical oxidation of TCE by KMnO4

TitleMetal mobility during in situ chemical oxidation of TCE by KMnO4
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsAl TA, Banks V, Loomer D, Parker BL, Mayer K.U
Date PublishedNOV

The potential for trace-metal contamination of aquifers as a side effect of In Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) of chlorinated solvent contamination by KMnO4 is investigated with column experiments. The experiments investigate metal mobility during in situ chemical oxidation of TCE by KMnO4 under conditions where pH, flow rate, KMnO4, TCE, and trace-metal concentrations were controlled. During ISCO, the injection of MnO4 creates oxidizing conditions, and acidity released by the reactions causes a tendency toward low pH in aquifers. In order to evaluate the role of pH buffering on metal mobility, duplicate columns were constructed, one packed with pure silica sand, and one with a mixture of silica sand and calcite. Aqueous solutions of TCE and KMnO4 (with I mg/L Cu, Pb, Zn, Mo, Ni, and Cr(VI)) were allowed to mix at the inlet to the columns. After the completion of the experiments, samples of Mn oxide were removed from the columns and analyzed by analytical scanning and transmission electron microscopy. In order to relate the results of the laboratory experiments to field settings, the analyses of Mn-oxide samples from the lab experiments were compared to samples of Mn oxide collected from a field-scale chemical-oxidation experiment that were also analyzed by analytical electron microscopy as well as time-of-flight secondary-ion mass spectroscopy. The pH ranged from 2.40 in the silica sand column to 6.25 in the calcite-containing column. The data indicate that aqueous Mo, Pb, Cu and Ni concentrations are attenuated almost completely within the columns. In contrast, Zn concentrations are not significantly attenuated and Cr(VI) is transported conservatively. The results indicate that within the range 2.40 to 6.25, metal mobility is not affected by pH. Comparison of analyses of Mn-oxide from the lab and field demonstrate that a variety of metals are sequestered from solution by Mn oxide. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
