Molybdenum and zinc stable isotope variation in mining waste rock drainage and waste rock at the Antamina mine, Peru

TitleMolybdenum and zinc stable isotope variation in mining waste rock drainage and waste rock at the Antamina mine, Peru
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsSkierszkan E.K, Mayer K.U, Wise S, Beckie R
JournalScience of the Total Environment
Date PublishedAPR 15

{The stable isotope composition of molybdenum (Mo) and zinc (Zn) in mine wastes al the Antamina Copper-Zn-Mo mine, Peru, was characterized to investigate whether isotopic variation of these elements indicated metal attenuation processes in mine drainage. Waste rock and ore minerals were analyzed W identify the isotopic composition of Mo and Zn sources, namely molybdeniles (MoS2) and sphaleriles (ZnS). Molybdenum and Zn slable isotope ratios are reported relative W the NIST-SRM-3134 and PCIGR-1 Zn standards, respectively. delta Mo-98 among molybdeniles ranged from -0.6 to +0.6 parts per thousand (n = 9) while sphaleriles showed no delta Zn-98 variations (0.11 +/- 0.01 parts per thousand, 2 SD
