Effectiveness of various cover scenarios on the rate of sulfide oxidation of mine tailings

TitleEffectiveness of various cover scenarios on the rate of sulfide oxidation of mine tailings
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsRomano CG, Mayer K.U, Jones DR, Ellerbroek DA, Blowes DW
Date PublishedFEB 10

Long term environmentally sound disposal of the millions of tons of mining residue is a serious challenge to the international mining industry. This paper evaluates, through a numerical investigation, the potential performance of desulfurized tailings as a cover material for the reduction of acidic drainage from sulfidic tailings. This evaluation is facilitated through a comparison of various cover types as decommissioning options. The cover types considered consist of a desulfurized tailings material cover exposed to ambient climate conditions, a water cover (flooded tailings), and a combination cover type. As part of the evaluation of cover performances, the effect of climatic variability on the potential rate of sulfide oxidation in tailings with an open ground surface, was also assessed. The numerical analysis was conducted using the model PYROX, which was modified to allow for variably-saturated conditions, time varying moisture contents, and to account for the temperature dependence of Henry's law and gas diffusion. In the case study presented here, the benign cover material consists of a low sulfide waste stream (cassiterite float tails, CFT), a by-product of the production of tin concentrate (cassiterite, SnO2,). Modelling results after a simulation period of 100 years indicate that a water cover alone or an exposed CFT cover alone are both less effective options than the combined cover type. A water cover alone leads to a reduction of approximately 99.1%, in the oxidation rate relative to uncovered tailings while the combined cover type results in the lowest potential extent of sulfide oxidation after mine closure-an approximately 99.8% reduction. Importantly, a CFT cover exposed to ambient environmental conditions can still substantially reduce the sulfide oxidation rate, by approximately 75-82% over a 100-year time period, relative to uncovered tailings. Variability in precipitation (and hence percent saturation of the surface layer) had less of an effect on the potential sulfide oxidation rate than did the cover type. The performance of the exposed CFT cover varied by less than 10%, within the range of climatic conditions expected at the Renison Bell mine site in southwest Tasmania, Australia. Although the modelling results indicate that the combined water and CFT cover is the best option, this approach achieves only a minor improvement over the water cover alone. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
