Electrical monitoring of in situ chemical oxidation by permanganate

TitleElectrical monitoring of in situ chemical oxidation by permanganate
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsCave L, Hartog N, Al T, Parker B, Mayer K.U, Cogswell S
Date PublishedSPR

An array of electrical monitoring probes was constructed to monitor a concentrated permanganate (MnO(4)(-)) solution injected to treat perchloroethylene (PCE) contamination in a shallow sandy aquifer. The simple probes use pairs of stainless steel wires as electrodes for electrical conductivity (EC) and platinum wires as the working electrodes for oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) measurements. Combined EC/ORP probes were assembled into bundles with multilevel ground water samplers and installed in boreholes around the injection point. Copper/copper sulfate half-cells, inserted to the depth of the water table, acted as ORP reference electrodes. All electrodes were connected to a central data acquisition system, which collected data for a period of 25 d following the injection. Large contrasts in the EC and ORP characteristics of the ground water, compared with the MnO(4)(-) solution, allow the subsurface migration of MnO(4)(-) to be tracked using these relatively simple electrical, measurements. The electrical data were used to track the arrival times of the MnO(4)(-) at discrete positions in the aquifer, to guide the timing and selection of locations for water sampling, and for three-dimensional visualization of the MnO(4)(-) distribution during destruction of PCE.
