Fast randomized full-waveform inversion with compressive sensing

TitleFast randomized full-waveform inversion with compressive sensing
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsLi X, Aravkin AY, van Leeuwen T, Herrmann FJ
Date Published05
Keywordscompressive sensing, FWI, optimization, SLIM

Wave-equation based seismic inversion can be formulated as a nonlinear inverse problem where the medium properties are obtained via minimization of a least- squares misfit functional. The demand for higher resolution models in more geologically complex areas drives the need to develop techniques that explore the special structure of full-waveform inversion to reduce the computational burden and to regularize the inverse problem. We meet these goals by using ideas from compressive sensing and stochastic optimization to design a novel Gauss-Newton method, where the updates are computed from random subsets of the data via curvelet-domain sparsity promotion. Application of this idea to a realistic synthetic shows improved results compared to quasi-Newton methods, which require passes through all data. Two different subset sampling strategies are considered: randomized source encoding, and drawing sequential shots firing at random source locations from marine data with missing near and far offsets. In both cases, we obtain excellent inversion results compared to conventional methods at reduced computational costs.
